
Квіт дріп

новий продукт, запуск, упаковка, неймінг, дизайн, ілюстрація, копірайтинг, відео, фотографія, смм, pr, таргетинг
a cartoon cat reading a newspaper
a picture of the earth with the words my home on it
the cover of a book with a green background
a poster for a fashion show with a woman on a surfboard
a woman holding a cup with fresh black written on it
a green poster with a black and white image of a man holding a tree
a book cover with a horse and a woman riding a horse
a magazine cover with a bunch of flowers
a green box with flowers on top of it
a poster with different symbols on it
a green box with flowers on top of it
a couple of boxes sitting on top of a rock
a green book cover with a picture of two cats
a person taking a picture of a vase with flowers
a bunch of cards sitting on top of a table
a stack of books sitting on top of a rock
a glass of green tea next to a box of fresh black tea
a fresh black book sitting on top of a table next to flowers
a person holding a coffee cup with fresh black written on it
a vase of flowers sitting on top of a block of concrete
a bunch of flowers in a vase on a table
a vase filled with blue flowers on top of a table
a small potted plant sitting on top of a block of concrete
a vase of flowers sitting on top of a block of concrete
a pink and white cell phone with a picture of a vase of flowers
a screenshot of a computer screen with a lot of buttons
1. kd_mp4_1
1. kd_mp4_2
a group of people sitting around a table
a black and white photo of a squarea black and white image of two crossed sticks
Креативний директор: Ілля Янков
Арт-директорка: Анна Гудвін
Копірайтер: Артем Нижник
Менеджерка проєкту: Юлія Савенко
Веб-менеджерка: Софія Мішина
Молодша менеджерка проєкту: Юлія Фролова
Фотографка: Ліза Походнова
Флористка: Олена Образ